
Reading Arthor
Tartuff Jean Baptiste Poquelin Moliere
Phaedra Jean Racine
Candide or Optimism Francois-Marie Arouet De Voltaire
Confession Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Faust Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe
The Queen of the Spades Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin
Nameless Spirit Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer
From the Seashore Anna Petrovna Bunina

The Feet of Spring Are on the Stair

The Ailing Woman Felt Her Forces Ebb

Rosalía de Castro

A Young Man Loves a Maiden

Ah, Death Is Like the Long Cool Night

The Silesian Weavers

Heinrich Heine


To the Fates

Friedrich Hölderlin
Et nox facta est Victor Hugo

The Infinite

To Himself

Giacomo Leopardi
 Ode to the West Wind  Percy Bysshe Shelly

I do Not Love You


Her Face Is Not the Face of Venus

 Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov

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