















The Cherry Orchard

Madame didn't want to sell the cherry orchard in that she had so many memories in there.

Tears and laughter.  小悲小喜

People do not seem to talk to each other.(they talk to themselves)

You want to talk but not what other people want to hear/listen. They did't communicate.

People there are lonely.

Nursery: living room, MME have lived since baby.

After talking so long, feel that just have never talked.

Wasteful: MME was so NICE. she wants to treat people good. she is so nice that she didn't know how to protect herself.

Always want to talk her childhood.

Never think about FUTURE(unhappy unfortune).

she cannot stand things which will change IN THE FUTURE.

For the younger generation, they look for / forward to the future. They want to GO.

Charlotta: has no past to look back to.

T: cherry=> old stuff, SERF

MME wants someone to love her.

"The chance is always missed."

FIRS: understanding, love.


Rememberance of things past


There is nothing happened, but actually lots of things happened, and we dont have power to change them.

In France version:  尋找失去的時間


Just like cherry orchard

Is the tender feeling he wants.

You know love, you know pain.

Love, Loss.  you sometimes doubt if there is difference between them.

If one is very happy, he may want to die. (there will be an end)

Being anxious when this person is not beside you.

Afraid to change/ keep thinking tomorrow if there is still there.

Our memory is kept some where, but by confronting with chances, the memory is released. The chance is the trigger to the memory.


The Metamorphosis

If you love someone, someone is right no mater actually right or wrong.

and you will always find excuses for beloved one.

As a insect, Gregory could have died. Because he stiil has hope, still wants to send his sister to the conservertory.He still believes that he is needed.

But when his fernitures is moving out, he gradually becomes no longer needed.

when his sister said so, he felt the relieve. He could put the burdern down, he could die.

Last to see: Mother.

    創作者 jetaimebien 的頭像


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